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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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by WaltGrace1983 Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:43 pm

We want to find out why the author mentions Russell and Praz, so we should start by finding exactly where Russell and Praz are mentioned. We remembered that they were mentioned somewhere at the beginning of the text so we take a quick peak and see that they are in line 9. All the information given about them is that they have "written studies of [a particular] kind." I suspect that the correct answer will be very non-opionated, perhaps something like "giving an example of two writers who have written on Byron in a particular way."

    (A) We have no way of differentiating them at all.
    (B) We don't even know what their conclusions are.
    (C) New direction? This is much better than the first two but "new direction" is still fairly unsupported.
    (D) Yes! This is very simple.
    (E) It looked okay until we get to the phrase "the best." We don't know if these studies are the "best" and we actually have no way of understanding which studies are the "best."

Correction for (C): point out the writers whose studies are generally focused on a particular type of Byron scholarship

Correction for (E): give credit to writers who have composed a certain kind of study of Byron.

How do my processes, explanations, and corrections look? Thanks.