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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Q2 - Davis vs Higuchi

by Celeste757 Fri May 06, 2011 10:47 am


I am having a hard time with this one because most of the answer choices seem correct to me....

how I understood it is this:

1) Davis: only use value
2) huguchi: use value and other factors (multiple factors)

so then - on the answer choices (where i break down in understanding...)

A: reliability - i feel like they would both agree on this, so i didnt pick it. is that correct though?? my view on why they would agree is because they each would have their metric, hence it would be reliable (albeit different)
B: i thought they would both agree on this too - or at least davis would, and i thought H would probably agree
C: i thought davis would disagree, and Higuchi would agree, so i left C open
D: correct - some are owed more because of the time they cant use it - thought H agrees (he says so) and D disagrees (he says only value)
E: case by case - i thought they would both agree withthis because all cases would need to be measured against their metric.

is my reasoning right> and if so, what is reason C is not correct choice?

thank yoU!!!
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Re: Q2 - Davis vs Higuchi

by deid Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:13 am

^^ Wrong test!

Regarding the actual Q2 of this section.....

I chose B over A (correct answer) because it specified Earth as a 'living' organism. Answer choice B reads: a reason for rejecting as false the belief that Earth is a living organism.

I interpreted the language to mean that it is a reason for rejecting the assertion that it is false that Earth is a living organism, meaning that it is advocating that the belief is true.

Is that a wrong interpretation of the language? Did anyone else commit the same mistake?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q2 - Davis vs Higuchi

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:09 pm

The argument concludes that Earth is a living organism. In support of this contention the argument offers the support that Earth is similar to all organisms in that it can be said to have a metabolism and to regulate its temperature, humidity, and other characteristics. The argument anticipates a rejection of the conclusion by pointing out that insects do not literally breathe so as to ward off the criticism that the Earth does not literally breathe.

Correct Answer
Answer choice (A) correctly points out why the argument brought up the point that insects do not literally breathe _ to defend the argument from a potential objection.

Incorrect Answers
(B) runs counter to the argument which attempts to show that Earth is a living organism.
(C) runs counter to the argument which tries to show that a metabolism, and an aspect there of, can be seen from different perspectives.
(D) is untrue. The argument shows that although we consider insects to be living organisms they do not have what one might consider to be a standard form of metabolism.
(E) may demonstrate a true claim, but does not correctly describe the purpose of that claim within the argument.