by noah Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:12 pm
I didn't expect to learn about glass tonight!
This is an inference question, specifically one where we need to tie together the premises.
We learn that glass squishes away from heavy weight, to go to where there is less pressure. Now, some cruel, cruel man is putting a heavy weight in the middle of a piece of glass - it doesn't crack - so what should happen? The glass should squish to the outside, which is what (E) states.
As for the wrong answers:
(A) is tempting at first - it would squish out - but why uniform thickness? The part under the heavy thing would become thinner!
(B) is contradicted by the premises.
(C) is unsupported. How heavy is this thing? How much would it compress steel?
(D) is strange. It basically states that the glass would split into two pieces, both of which are different from the original piece of glass in both size and shape. Why would it split in two?
I hope that helps.