noah Wrote:tz-strawberry, I think you're heading into a blackbody spiral!
Let me ask you this: Why do the scientists use the velvet or soot in these blackbody experiments?
Yes it's like spiral or maze...
Um, as I wrote before, I thought they used it to shut out reflected radiation...the scientists just wanted to measure the radiation that it I think the last one I wrote maybe correct:
tz_strawberry Wrote:
Or does it mean only by using black body objects, we can measure radiation correctly...if we do not use black body objects it would be difficult? In this case, then I think the challenge is not the object's capability, but the result the psysicists have...they had results that does not follow their theory, and that was the challenge to wave theory. (so maybe a little different interpretation from what the first instructor says...or does he meant this??)
But then I think I was confused because what I say seems contradict with what previous poster says:
bbirdwell Wrote:Cyrus Wrote: the "major challenge" (line 13) was that the experiments require objects with little reflective capability, and in the next sentence, we learn that scientists can analyze the radiation from a blackbody object and be able to distinguish this radiation from that which is just reflected.
From this information, it is not a big leap to infer choice (A). Indeed, if (A) were not true, then it wouldn't make sense why this results in a "major challenge"
I think the "major challenge" is the result itself, not "the experiments require objects with little reflective capability" cast doubt on scientist's theory, not the black body objects have problems (or did the previous poster say the same thing?)
So I was confused whether I interpret it correctly or not...
Could you provide additional explanation please?
Thank you