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Jackie Chiles
Jackie Chiles
Posts: 45
Joined: March 11th, 2013


by andreperez7 Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:39 pm

The question stem is strange, just stating the following:
"Passage A asserts that the inevitable answer to the question raised in Rosenthal's book is that"

The word "inevitable" in the question stem seems to be a call back to the word "invariably" in the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph, which the author seems to be using, I want to say, somewhat sarcastically. The author states the the postmodern answer is "invariably" that there's no difference. That's answer B.

Let's go through the choices.

A) "Must avoid engaging in the consideration of moral issues" is the opposite of what the author believes.

C) "Moral conventions are worthy of respect," although tempting is too strong: the author says in the second before last line of the last paragraph that they "may" be worthy of respect.

D) Fluidity in application of charges of plagiarism is out of scope.

E) "Bad history" strange but out of scope answer.

Takeaway: I was confused as to what the question stem was getting at but paying attention to the strange wording helped me realize that this referring to the author's rhetorical answer, not his actual answer.