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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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by steves Wed May 27, 2015 12:07 am

I've seen some discussion against framing this game using the 3 options for the two M's, but that was how I approached it given what little else there was to go by. Was that the best approach? Also, I got hung up on the terminology of "a particular calendar year." Does that mean we have to test each answer choice against each of the three frames--or would an answer be correct if it can't be true for any one of the frames?

Please post the solution to this one.
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q19

by rinagoldfield Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:00 pm

Thanks, Steves. I don’t think it is necessary to frame this game. If you did, then yes, you would compare each answer choice to the frames to see which choice cannot happen in any of the frames.

This game concern one year with 4 quarters. “A particular year” indicates that we are looking at that year, and that year only.
I think this question reveals the importance of writing out the variables, including the repetitions.

I initially wrote


for the variables, and then changed that to


in response to the second and fourth constraints. There is a maximum of one other repetition besides M, so D must be false. In that scenario, seven grants would be awarded – too many!