sharpj Wrote:In (D) does the "or near" aspect kill this as a potential answer? I eliminated it because the conclusion is specifically about pedestrians IN the crosswalk, not near it. If it read: "generally most alert to peds in crosswalks" would that weaken the argument? Or is this still a weak answer because it requires you to assume that being aware of pedestrians means you will not hit them? I feel like this is a pretty fair assumption to make, but I also feel like no assumption is safe on the LSAT unless they're asking you to make it.
Actually if you assume being aware of pedestrians means you will not hit them, it will strengthen even MORE. Please allow me to express my personal thoughts on this one. I think the reason that you think D is a weakener, (just like me when I am doing the PT) is that when you read "Drivers are generally most alert to pedestrians who are in or near crosswalks", you immediately feel that, "Oh wait, that totally feels CONTRIDICATED with the study result that pedestrians are more often struck by cars when crossing streets in crosswalks, thus its weakens". You will think if drivers are more careful, why crosswalks pedestrians get struck more often? Yes, exactly! Whoever argues with you will say "Because they have overly strong sense of security and less like to look both ways". Did you see the interesting point? D feels contradicted with the statics, the premise. But what is the arguments? The argument is given the statics A. I concluded B. When D "weakens" the premise static A, it strengthens my argument. Think this way, when you read D, you must question yourself "Under the circumstance D provided, why crosswalkers get struck more often, ah, because of the conclusion......." D strengthens by ruling out a possible alternatives.
Think about this argument:
Hillary: "most of my classmates wear red today, they must love red"
Trump: "Well, they are not required to wear red"
Hillary: "Yes exactly, then why most of them wear red?"
Trump: "Hmm......"
Does Trump weaken Hillary's point? No, It strengthens it.
One thing obscures me a little is that when we say something happens "more often", are we saying, in this argument, that more crosswalkers are struck by cars, or people who use crosswalk actually have a higher possibility of getting struck. If the premise become the "Studies have shown that the PERCENTAGE of pedestrians who struck by cars are higher than the PERCENTAGE who are stuck when crossing outside of crosswalks", will this render answer choice A irrelevant?