Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
The argument concludes that secondary school science courses should teach students to evaluate science-based arguments regarding practice issues. This is because the skills taught in secondary schools should be useful and an abstract knowledge of science is very seldom useful.
Answer Anticipation:
The argument assumes that evaulating science-based arguments regarding practice issues is useful.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) is too strong. Why need the skills be the most useful? Useful alone is plenty.
(B) undermines the argument. This would advocate for abstract knowledge over practical issues.
(C) is out of scope. This is an irrelevant comparison.
(D) is out of scope. What schools should do and what they actually do is completely different.
(E) is correct. This links the unconnected terms within the argument.
Takeaway/Pattern: Reasoning: Conditional Logic