Question Type:
Principle Example
Stimulus Breakdown:
Principle: one should not intentionally misrepresent another's beliefs.
(Exception: one is doing so to act in the other person's interest.)
Answer Anticipation:
We're looking for an answer that violates the principle as stated. The correct answer might involve misrepresenting another's beliefs without the purpose of acting in the other person's interest.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This is correct. Ann was not acting in Bruce's interest.
(B) This conforms to the principle. Claude misrepresented Thelma's beliefs, but was acting in her interest.
(C) The principle does not apply. We don't know if John misrepresented Maria's beliefs, only that she did not want John to tell people what he told them. Maybe he represented her beliefs correctly, but she didn't want to share those beliefs. Even if he did misrepresent her beliefs, the answer indicates that he did so in order to make people think highly of her.
(D) The principle does not apply, since Harvey was misrepresenting his own beliefs, not someone else's.
(E) The principle does not apply. We don't know if Wanda misrepresented George's beliefs. He might actually think Egypt is in Asia. Regardless of that, we don't know that Wanda wasn't acting in George's interests. It sounds like she wasn't!
Takeaway/Pattern: When we're asked for an answer that violates a principle, incorrect answers could conform to the principle, or they could involve a situation where the principle doesn't even come into play.