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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Q19 - If the jury did not return a verdict

by ohthatpatrick Fri Dec 31, 1999 8:00 pm

Question Type:
Match the Reasoning

Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Jury must have returned a verdict. Evidence: If the jury hadn't returned a verdict, there would be media trucks outside, and there aren't media trucks outside.

Answer Anticipation:
This is a classic "argue via contrapositive" argument. If X, then Y. Y is not the case. Thus, X is not the case.

Correct Answer:

Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) The 2nd premise should be "but our town will NOT see less tourism than usual".

(B) Yes. If X (didn't buy a house), then Y (rent apt). Y did not happen (didn't rent apt). Thus, X is not the case (DID buy the house).

(C) No, the 2nd fact triggers the left side, rather than triggering the contrapositive. Also, this argument contains an assumption that Renate keeps his promises.

(D) The 2nd idea triggers the left side, rather than triggering the contrapositive. Another mismatch is that the fact that triggers the left side is "broader" than the trigger itself, a feature which the original argument did not have.

(E) Illegal negation.

Takeaway/Pattern: This is a rare, welcome softball when it comes to Match the Reasoning … a reminder that we shouldn't COMPLETELY stereotype in favor or against a given question type. Most Matching questions could be tough/time consuming and deserve to be saved for last, but if it feels easy, let it be easy.
