Why A is not right?
I thought it may be a good explanation too, although I find out D's merits.
Can somebody help me?
Million thanks
mshermn Wrote:It's so annoying when the answer to the question is in the question stem itself.
Take a look at what it's asking for. It asks for the answer choice that most explains "all of the data."
Answer choice (A) would explain the second statistic that 90% of those who reported relief claimed that the insomnia had returned. But it would not support the first statistic that 80% of both groups saw relief from symptoms of insomnia.
Answer choice (D) would explain both statistics, and so is the correct answer.
(A) is incorrect for the reason above.
(B) would explain the first statistic, but not the second.
(C) is irrelevant. Slight variations in chemical composition could have dramatic changes on the outcome.
(E) wouldn't explain either statistic. If this were true, why did we see such uniform improvement and then return to normal?
Does that answer your question?
nflamel69 Wrote:I think for this question we need to address 2 possible paradoxes. 1st, the reason why did both the new drug and placebo had good effects. 2nd, why did they both wear off after 2 weeks. (A) addresses the 2nd paradox, but it didnt address why did placebo work as well as the drug in the first paradox. someone above said placebo effect, but that's an extra assumption we have to make to justify our answer, which generally is to be avoided. (D) address both paradoxes, by saying the benefits are actually caused by a 3rd factor, it makes sense in both cases why the effects are similar to each other, those who took placebo and those who took the new drug