Struggling to find a conditional that leads me to the right answer.
Any help greatly appreciated.
cyt5015 Wrote:Why we don't need to care aesthetically irrelevant properties? To eliminate answer D, are you assuming art must have some aesthetic properties? what if those aesthetic irrelevant properties become the criteria for determining whether an object qualifies as art?
Please help, thank you.
cyt5015 Wrote:Thank Waltgrace1983 to answer my question but I'm still confused even if I tried your reasoning to eliminate the answer D, because I can use the same reason you give to eliminate answer C as well: stimulus only talks about representation which is an aesthetically relevant property and does not mention properties other than representation. I can also add "some" before answer C which won't affect its correctness either.
Please help again.
Oh, wait a second. Answer C mentioned "can determine whether an object is a work of art" but answer D says nothing about whether the aesthetic-irrelevant properties can or can not determine the qualification as art. Therefore, we have to assume they do, which is unwarranted. Is it a way to eliminate answer D?
Thank you.