The POST TOPIC button didn't work for Henry, but here was his question
For Question 17, I choose between (A) and (D), it seems that the correct answer choice (A) is mixing the concept of "borderline cases" in 1st para of Passage B with "use of protocol" in 2nd para of Passage B. And for (D), it seems appealing to me in that line (32)-(34) suggests that "we can read any text as we wish".
This question is super tough for me. I would be tempted to pick (D), as "does not depend on" is really safe wording.
We know we could support that
"the interpretation of a sentence isn't fully determined by the genre from which it comes".
But saying it doesn't depend on it (at all) might be too harsh. We can read "It was the year 3020 ... " in a sci fi novel with any reading protocol we want ... but our interpretation will probably still be related to the date 3020, which was an emblematic aspect of the sci fi genre.
It's also a narrowly presented idea, in that we're talking about the interpretation of one given sentence.
It seems like the overall gist here is about our reading protocol for an entire work, not our interpretation of an individual sentence.
(A) of course is safely worded as well ("sometimes") and we'd support it with 33-35. It's doing the typical "upside-down" inference.
The texts most central to a genre (farthest from borderline)
were clearly written to exploit a protocol
the ones closest to the borderline
would be least clearly written to exploit a protocol
That's what (A) is rewarding. We have more explicit support, then, for (A) than we do for (D).