Correct answer: (E)
Answer choices (A)-(C) all make cross-discipline comparisons. From the first read, one can gather the impression that both passages are about equally confident in the social norms system to accomplish what is supposed to be the operation of intellectual property law in each's respective community of professionals. Moreover, they don't seem to be aware of each other's argument at all. Hence, we can't compare the strength and weakness between the two systems of social norms.
I went with (D) on my timed test, because of the positive tone of both passages, even though admittedly it's nowhere supported by the text.
(E) clearly applies for passage A. Line 31-34 says that violating these social norms can seriously hamper a comedian's career.
I have more difficulties finding textual support from passage B. My best guess is line 59-61. Honoring the social norms gives a chef a property right similar to rights under trade secrecy law. However, this still does not tell how observing the norms help with a chef's professional career, and I mean beyond in an indirect manner by encouraging other chefs to do the same. In the comedian's case, honoring the norms clearly benefits, since doing the opposite would seriously hamper.
Any thoughts? Many thanks!