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by danielalfino Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:26 pm

Given the primary purpose of the passage (Q14) is to "argue that a certain discipline should adopt a particular methodology," I cannot understand why Q17 is not B. The second paragraph seems to introduce the reader to the "particular methodology," and then the third and fourth discuss how this methodology could help to suggest different results. Is the bit about oral poetry really important in contradicting the international communications specialists' claims?
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Re: PT 51 S2 Q17 The author most likely...

by cyruswhittaker Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:05 am

Here are my thoughts on this one, but I'm definately interested in hearing other peoples' views as well:

The question indicates specifically what the role of the study is in the second paragraph. In lines 26-27, the author very clearly states that the specialists' are mistaken with their assertions regarding the role of television. Immediately after that, we are provided with the anthopological study, as evidence to help bolster the author's position.

In the following paragraph, the study is mentioned as illustrating the type of empirical approach the author feels is lacking with the specialists (linking back to the author's assertion in lines 15-17), but it is used solely as a model for a representative approach. The author does not then use the study itself as a way to describe new ways of conducting research.

Any thoughts?
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Re: PT 51 S2 Q17 The author most likely...

by noah Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:40 am

Dan, I agree with you - the third and fourth is where we really get into the new methodology. While the methodology that's suggested is the one that's mentioned in the second paragraph, as cyrrus notes, in that paragraph, it's brought up to counter the ideas of the specialists, not their methodology. That's really tricky, but it's the structure of the paragraph that suggests it - it's a point, counter-point set-up. You're right to default to the author's main point for a "purpose" question, but only do that if you're in a bind. In some cases, like this one, if a paragraph is not leading directly to the main point, parts of that paragraph may not be heading there either.

Good question.

Cyrus, nice explanation - one small point: the question didn't specifically ask about the role the phrase played in the second paragraph. It just told us that the phrase was in that paragraph.
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Re: Q17

by rbetita Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:49 pm

Hey I think there might be a title mix-up with the explanations -- I believe you are explaining Q14 but the title of the thread is addressed as Q17 ("Likely discusses anthropological study in order to")
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Re: Q17

by Alvanith Fri May 23, 2014 11:46 am

This one is really tricky. I went for B because I default for the main point of the passage and I find lines 37-40 seem to support this answer choice.

D is likely supported by lines 26-27 because the author is arguing against a claim from the specialists.

I guess B is wrong because the author probably is not describing new ways of conducting research. The author thinks the claim from the specialists lacks empirical foundation with no or little research into the importing countries. So the author is probably recommending to research more by adopting an empirical approach like that of anthropologists are doing, but this is not to say the author is suggesting new ways of conducting research.

My question is: what about an answer choice implying the main point of passage, like, introducing a particular methodology that the author recommends the specialists to adopt, since we are supposed to find the broader point of the surrounding sentences?

I am so depressed to choose wrong choices for two primary purpose questions (Q8, Q17) in this section:( I really need some help. Thanks in advance:)
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Re: Q17

by judaydaday Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:18 pm

Alvanith Wrote:This one is really tricky. I went for B because I default for the main point of the passage and I find lines 37-40 seem to support this answer choice.

D is likely supported by lines 26-27 because the author is arguing against a claim from the specialists.

I guess B is wrong because the author probably is not describing new ways of conducting research. The author thinks the claim from the specialists lacks empirical foundation with no or little research into the importing countries. So the author is probably recommending to research more by adopting an empirical approach like that of anthropologists are doing, but this is not to say the author is suggesting new ways of conducting research.

My question is: what about an answer choice implying the main point of passage, like, introducing a particular methodology that the author recommends the specialists to adopt, since we are supposed to find the broader point of the surrounding sentences?

I am so depressed to choose wrong choices for two primary purpose questions (Q8, Q17) in this section:( I really need some help. Thanks in advance:)

I don't think an answer choice implying the main point of the passage would be correct.

The question stem is asking for the purpose of the anthropological study in the second paragraph. I believe that this is just a support of the claim made in the first sentence of the same paragraph: "The role of television in developing nations is far removed from what the specialists assert." (lines 26-27) In other words, the specialists are wrong.

So I don't think this is introducing anything, rather it is there to point out a flaw.
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Re: Q17

by jewels0602 Thu May 07, 2015 10:59 am

Though I enjoyed the passage, this one was the most difficult for me on this section.

For #17 I got it down to D and E and ultimately went with E (though on review I thought D was much stronger)

I am still feeling a little shaky between these two choices so I'm just going to go through my though process to see anyone can add some insight on what I could add/take away to make this question easier.

D -- the middle of first paragraph really builds up to this. Lines 16-17 says the assertion that imported TV shows always dominate domesticate TV is sometimes goes against a fact. The second paragraph is the only factual observation in passage that seems to go against it, so it's very strong a counter-evidence to communication specialists theory.

E -- The end of the first paragraph talks about individual viewing habits and how the masses aren't just one undivided, passive whole; and moreover, the author asserts that most of them tend to prefer domestic TV to imported productions. And the 2nd paragraph goes on to cite the anthropological evidence. So I thought the 2nd paragraph was used to support his assertion that masses aren't passive receptacles and their viewing habits should be considered.

Is E wrong because it says 'diversity of individual habits' whereas the paragraph talks about community viewing habits as a whole?
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Re: Q17

by ohthatpatrick Fri May 08, 2015 1:19 am

Without reducing RC to too much of a formula, questions that ask
"in order to"
"serves to"
"primarily to"
are pretty formulaic.

They're asking about the PURPOSE of a detail. The line reference or keywords take us to the detail. But LSAT is testing us on the BIGGER CLAIM that bookends the detail (comes right before it or right after it).

80% or more of the time you see "in order to" / "serves to" / etc., the correct answer is just reinforcing / paraphrasing the sentence BEFORE the detail.

So for this Question, we are definitely looking at lines 26-27. That's the "proof sentence" this question is testing, so when we get down to (D) and (E), we need to compare it for similarities to that line.

Our answer should reinforce
"role of TV is far removed from what specialists assert"

(A) provide a model?

(B) describe new ways?

(C) highlight flaws (sounds great!) in a similar study (wait, what?)

(D) cite evidence that contradicts (sounds extreme but otherwise on point)

(E) support the claim that specialists need to take something into account

So (D) and (E) both sound right, like we're bringing up the study in order to go against the specialists.

But (E) sounds more mild, "Hey, specialists, you need to take something else into account".

(D) is a better match for "far removed from what they assert".

And, as suspected, the example in the 2nd paragraph is primarily about showing how domestic programming can thrive, not about the diversity of individual habits.

I agree that it's a tough down to two, because "contradicts" is a red flag (usually too extreme). And the diversity of viewing habits somewhat relates to the 2nd P example, but not as much as simply showing that domestic programming has a vibrant role in a developing nation.