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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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by bbirdwell Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:42 pm

16. (E)
Question Type: Unconditional

Another question that should be answered fairly quickly using our frames. Which of the following COULD be true?

(A) No! This is never possible.

(B) No! O can never be planted in both parks, and S must be planted in at least one.

(C) No! Both parks are always planted with tamaracks.

(D) No! Both parks are always planted with tamaracks.

(E) Yes! This is a description of frame 3. Note that if we had not inferred this at the beginning of the game, this question would’ve provided us with an opportunity to make that inference. This inference, in fact, was probably the most difficult one to make, and it’s no surprised that it is tested on the final question!
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Elle Woods
Elle Woods
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Re: Q16

by ShehryarB30 Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:40 pm

I still don't understand how E is right?
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q16

by ohthatpatrick Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:05 pm

(A) must be false because if we had zero O's and T's, we wouldn't be able to get three trees in either park.

If we had one O and T, they'd have to be in the same park (if O, then T), and so the other park would have neither O nor T, and thus we can't get to three trees.

g: M _ _
l: O T _

If we had two O's and T's, then we wouldn't have anywhere to put our MS chunk.

g: M O T
l: O T

(B) If we had 2 O's and 1 S, we'd have 2 O's and 2 T's (because if O, then T).
But we just figured out that we can't have 2 O's and 2 T's.

If we had 1 O and zero S's, we'd break the MS rule.

(C) For the park that doesn't have T, it also can't have O.
So there's no way to give that park three trees.

(D) If you don't have T, you don't have O, so neither park would be able to get to the three tree mark.

(E) Sure,
g: M S T
l: M S T

These are legal. Nothing in the game says that we have to use each of the varieties at least once.