by ohthatpatrick Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:04 pm
Sure thing.
We're told that S is in 2nd period.
What else do we know about S or about 2nd period?
V is from 2nd period.
S is sold to private and earlier than Z (sold to museum)
Our diagram might look something like this:
priv: ___ ___ ___
mus: ___ ___ ___
..........1st 2nd 3rd
We know that S is 2nd period and private.
Since V is also 2nd period, it'll be museum.
priv: __ S __
mus: __ V __
We know that S is before Z, so Z has to be in the 3rd spot (and Z is museum, so bottom row)
priv: __ S __
mus: __ V Z
Q, T, and R are left. Q can't be earlier than T, so T can't be put into the last spot in the 2nd frame.
priv: __ S R/Q
mus: __ V Z
(T, Q/R)
The question is asking, "Which character could be in the same row as Q, and be immediately to its left?"
There wouldn't be anyone to Q's left, if we put Q in the 1st period. But if we put Q in the 3rd period, it would be top row next to S.
Let's finish off that frame to verify it's legit:
priv: __ S Q
mus: __ V Z
(T, R)
If we check out rules, we're abiding by all of them. We could put T or R into either of the remaining blanks.
So we know that S could be in the same row as Q, immediately to Q's left. Is S an answer?
It is! We're done.
Hope this helps.