Question Type:
Identify the Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
The argument follows a common pattern: opposing point, conclusion, premises. The conclusion here is that the claim made in the first sentence is false; in other words, unrelieved heartburn is not likely to cause esophageal cancer.
Answer Anticipation:
Incorrect answers are likely to describe a different part of the argument, or to misrepresent the conclusion in some way.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This is incorrect. It identifies a premise.
(B) This is incorrect. It also describes the premises of the argument.
(C) Bingo! This is the argument's conclusion.
(D) This is incorrect. It describes what we call the "opposing point" in the argument, which is a statement that is contradicted by the conclusion.
(E) This is unsupported. The argument's conclusion is that unrelieved heartburn is not likely to cause esophageal cancer; the argument doesn't state that this conclusion applies specifically to people who see the advertisements.
Takeaway/Pattern: The correct answer to an Identify the Conclusion question will have the same meaning as the conclusion in the stimulus. Watch out for incorrect answer choices that use similar wording, but convey a different meaning.