This is a Parallel Reasoning Question.
@ First identify the possible elements that could be repeated in answer choices.
1) Contrapositive
Allowing more steel imports ==> Depress domestic steel price ==> harm domestic steel manufacturers. (A => B => C)
Not harm steel industry ==> Not lift restriction on imports (~C => ~A)
2) Time shift from general statement, or present tense, to future tense.
3) While first sentence doesn't have a specific subject, the second statement have a specific subject (government)
===== Answer Analysis =====
A) Mistaken Reverse
Building Construction Increases ==> Confident in economy is well (A => B)
Confident in economy well ==> can expect building construction increase (B => A)
B) ??
A + B, so no further need?
Seems like this is limiting necessary elements of provision for workers. But don't really see the structure.
C) This would be applying general phenomenon (deregulation leading to bankrupt) to a specific case (other transportation industries) with comparison to according elements (weaker economic condition). So, structure-wise, this would be just A => B leading to A => B.
Besides, there is a probability language ("probably") which stimulus doesn’t have.
D) This would be a conditional statement embedded in a causal relationship.
( Next years' tax laws will ==> companies to pay a new tax ) == (therefore) ==> CEO of Silicon will probably not accept stock as a bonus
E) Contrapositive + Time shift + Subject change all there. (Correct)
Installation of Bright flood light on campus ==> astronomy department's telescope useless (A => B)
Astronomy department will not support anything that makes telescope useless ==> NOT support installing bright flood lights. (~B => ~A)