What does the Question Stem tell us?
ID the Conclusion
Break down the Stimulus:
Conclusion: The infrastructure for hydrogen fuel is likely to appear and grow quickly.
Evidence: A century ago we didn't have infrastructure for gas fuel, but that infrastructure developed quickly. The first sentence is background, and the second sentence is a counterpoint.
Any prephrase?
We need something like "the national system of hydrogen fuel stations infrastructure is likely to appear and grow rapidly".
Answer choice analysis:
A) That's background
B) That's the counterpont
C) This is a broad claim, not one actually made by the author.
D) Bingo!
E) This is an assumption, not a claim actually made by the author.
The correct answer is D.
Takeaway/Pattern: ID the Conclusion is arguably the simplest task in LR. To make finding the conclusion more difficult, they almost always hide it in one of two ways: 1. Conclusion is the first sentence or 2. Conclusion appears in the middle, after a but/yet/however, and THEN the author supports it. In both of the typical templates, the conclusion appears BEFORE the evidence.