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Re: PT54, S3, G3, Q15 - A cake has exactly six layers

by cyruswhittaker Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:22 pm

Thank you for your explanation.

I meant to ask about question 15 not 16. Question 15 is about what could be a complete/accurate list of layers for vanilla if the strawberry layer is not the top layer.
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Re: PT54, S3, G3, Q15 - A cake has exactly six layers

by tamwaiman Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:23 pm

Hi cyruswhittaker

From rule 2 & 3 we know (from top to bottom) strawberry->orange->marzipan->lemon.

Since Q15 requests that the strawberry is not the top layer, what we can use to stack up are raspberry and vanilla now, and it is the answer (E).
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q15

by dontmesswmeow Thu May 25, 2017 2:42 am

What you suggested here is an explanation for Question 16, not fifteen.

There's a typo in the diagram, man-hattan.
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Re: Q15

by ohthatpatrick Fri May 26, 2017 5:11 pm

Thanks for catching that.

Bottom -----> Top
LM - O - S

As the previous poster said, if S can't be the top, then we either have R or V at the top. Let's try both.

__ __ __ __ __ V

__ __ __ __ __ R

The 2nd one is easier to fill in, because S and R can't touch. Thus, we would HAVE to put the LM - O - S in spots 1 thru 4, so that we can buffer S and R with V in spot 5.


So we know V can be 5th, and we THINK it can be 6th. Since ALL the answers think that 6th is possible, we don't need to check it.

Thus our answer is (E).

Remember, since S can't be the top, it MUST be V or R.

V must be 6th
R must be 6th (which forced V to be 5th).

So V can only either be 5th or 6th.