by ohthatpatrick Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:51 pm
Question Type:
Author Opinion
Answer expected in lines/paragraph:
Psg B's historical analysis sounds a lot like gender relations. The author's opinion about gender relations is found in 17-26 and 30-32
Any prephrase?
We might prephrase something like "it has a lot of explanatory power, but by focusing on systems we might be obscuring the actions of individual women".
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Extreme: "radically different". Also, comparing ancient to modern has nothing to do with Psg A.
(B) Extreme: "equally important". Also, it seems like Psg B does touch on masculinity, as it mentions that Augustus called himself Father of the Fatherland.
(C) Sure, this kinda works. It reinforces line 30-32. Since Psg B sounded like gender relations, it's good at describing structures but bad at highlighting individual women.
(D) Fake comparison: "ancient vs. recent". Psg A makes no claims about how important domesticity is now vs. in ancient times.
(E) "previously unaware" is unsupportable
Takeaway/Pattern: The correct answer probably sounds a little harsh to some people. Remember that our task on these "most likely to agree" questions is still to just to find an answer choice that we can pair up with a line reference. Choice (C) wins because we can use lines 30-32 to support it.