Question Type:
Inference (Most Strongly Supported)
Stimulus Breakdown:
No experience → No creative solutions
Solve a problem → True understanding
No experience → No true understanding
Answer Anticipation:
It's uncommon to see conditional logic in a Most Strongly Supported question (other than Principle Inference questions), but when it's there, it's there.
I'd skip the first statement since there are 3 "all" statements, so I'm expecting my inference to come from a combination there - stronger statements are more able to lead to inferences. I'll circle back if needed.
A lot of these statements have overlap that can't be combined (as an example, the first and third conditionals share a Sufficient condition, so they can't be chained). However, I can take the contrapositive of the third to combine it with the second:
Solve a problem → True understanding → Experience
and the contrapositive of that
No experience → Can't solve problem
I'm expecting one of those to be the correct answer.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Unwarranted comparison. The argument talks about having or not having experience; it doesn't compare more experience to less experience.
(B) Illegal negation of the first statement (also, a degree shift to "rarely", though we can shift down and still make an inference).
(C) Bingo. This answer is the contrapositive of the first conditional. I wasn't expecting this (I was expecting to need to combine two conditionals to get my answer), but I can infer this statement (Creative solutions → Experience). I'd check the others to be sure, though.
(D) Out of scope/unwarranted comparison. The conditionals do speak to all fields, but it's still possible that the required experience is different in each field, as long as that level of experience is reached.
(E) Out of scope. I'd dump this answer with "should", as normative language isn't a part of the argument.
Some Inference questions will rely on a single statement to lead to the answer, even if you can make an inference based on a combination of statements.