For some reason I am not seeing how D is wrong - I thought that it was the contrapositive of the principle in the stimulus:
"If we notice that a lot of people enjoy consuming a certain type of food, we will eventually come to like the food as well..."
the contrapositive being,
"If we have not come to like a food, we did not notice that a lot of people enjoyed consuming it" - which I thought matched D...Yolanda does not like pickles (satisfying the sufficient statement for the contrapositive) and she has observed many of her relatives not liking them (or is 'observing many people not liking something' not the same as 'not noticing that a lot of people enjoyed consuming it' ?)
at the same time, I do see how answer choice D can be seen as negating the princinple and assuming the inverse of it is true....i'm torn here.
Essentially, where does my contraposing of the principle to make it fit D, go wrong?
What would be the proper conditional representation of D? Does "because" signal a sufficient condition?? If so, then clearly I see how D only inverts the principle in the stimulus and is definitely not a contrapositive and is thus wrong.
Thank you so much!