What does the Question Stem tell us?
2 speakers who disagree = Point of Disagreement Question. Keep in mind that BOTH PARTIES must have a concrete opinion on an answer for it to be correct.
Break down the Stimulus:
Waller: ESP real --> Accepted as real by the general public. That's because ESP-havers could show there stuff and convince the public, getting some wealth and renown as they do it.
Chin: Nothing can be proven to some skeptics. If the elite don't think ESP is real, the media won't portray it as real and public opinion won't think it's real.
Any prephrase?
Both deal with public opinion, ESP and it's likelihood of being real. These are all likely to feature in the correct answer.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
A) Neither has a concrete opinion on this.
B) Chin is a definite "no" on this. He states that you can never convince them all. But Waller...we just don't know. He thinks you can convince "the general public" but that doesn't imply every single person.
C) Waller doesn't address the case made by ESP skeptics, and as soon as 1 party doesn't have a concrete opinion on an answer, you know it's wrong.
D) Waller definitely agrees with this. It's the contrapositive of his first statement. Chin definitely disagrees. He argues that public opinion is always going to be biased and therefore an unreliable gauge.
E) If anything, both parties seem to imply that this is not the case, making this a point of agreement, not disagreement.
Takeaway/Pattern: Find the overlap between speakers and don't pick an answer unless both speakers have weighed in concretely!