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Q14 - The Biocarb Company wants

by rsmorale Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:12 pm

P: building sterilization plant to treat medical waste in city will pollute area (residents and activits) +
operation of the plant cannot cause pollution because waste would be sterile after processing by plant

C: after 1 hr exposure to steam, waste will be cleaner than food prepared in cleanest kitchen

-I chose C. Why is C wrong? Is it wrong due to the extreme language (only)?
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Re: Q14 - The Biocarb Company wants

by zhanga Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:26 pm

No, it's not because of extreme language. Here's the breakdown.

A) It doesn't really matter what environmentalists believe because if it's true that treating it with steam will make the waste sterile, then it doesn't matter if the environmentalist don't believe that.

B) Correct answer because the president's argument is that the operation of the plant cannot cause pollution ebcause the waste would be sterile AFTER processing by the plant. But what about the before it gets processed by the plant? If the waste can pollute before it treatment, then the president's argument fails so it's the assumption that the president is resting on.

C) The president's argument doesn't depend on the fact that this isthe only argument against the construction of the facility. This is the only argument he is addressing so even if there are other arguments, it doesn't undermine the validity of his response to this particular concern.

D) Even if others are concerned about the pollution hazards, the president basically addresses their concerns in his argument.

E) It doesn't have to be the surest method of sterilization as long as it sterilizes.
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Re: Q14 - The Biocarb Company wants

by WaltGrace1983 Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:08 pm

(D) can also be eliminated because the stimulus says verbatim, "in a city where residents and environmental activists..." This means that (D) rubs up against the premises.

In addition, I think one should consider for future arguments that the Biocarb's president is also talking about how the refuse will be "far cleaner than the food prepared in the cleanest kitchen." While I know that this is definitely a stretch, one could also consider that he is assuming that something cleaner than the cleanest kitchen does not produce pollution.