by nazu.s.shaikh Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:34 am
Though not a mod, but I could help explain to you Q14.
For my diagram I used the days of the week as my base as they are fixed and unchanging. O & P have to be used at least one, although O & P, either one, could later be used another time as well during the week because S can only be used twice ( we know this from the third constraint)
Here is what we know so far.
O can't go on Monday. (P & S are the only candidates that can go there)
P can't go on Wednesday ( O & S are the only ones that can go there)
(Note that if S goes on Monday then S has to go again on T; and if S goes on W then S has to go on R)
We know that we need an SS block, meaning we can't have S _ S .
The last constraint is conditional, If O(R) then P(F)
Onto O14 now. I have the same problem sometimes when approaching certain LG Q's , tendency to quickly jump into a trial and error process and while I can't give you a quick easy one way fits all answer, what I have noticed that has helped me is making the right inferences and knowing ( or figuring out) which one is key for a certain question.
For Q14 I know that I need an SS block for two days so I proceeded to the answers to see which Q's would give me a two day block and which wouldn't.
(A) If X is toured on M and on T.. that gives me a W R F where I can put a SS block. This could be true. Eliminate it ( remember it says 'cannot be true' 4 answers could be true. )
(B) If X is toured on M and on F that gives me a T W R to put an SS block. Also could be true. Eliminate it.
(C) If X is toured on T and then R .. that gives me a M W R .. which doesn't allow me to put an SS block. This cannot be true. This is our answer.
Hopefully this helped you out.