by ohthatpatrick Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:05 pm
I obviously agree with Timmy that, for this question, the way they've framed this Paradox precludes us from believing that Foamy raised its prices during the summer months.
But I want to add that I would even be a little wary of saying that, on its own, LSAC would expect us to read (C) and common-sensically assume that an increase of production costs means that the price went up. It's certainly plausible, but not necessarily probable.
Someone else might read (C), on its own, and common-sensically assume that Foamy's price remained the same, and therefore its profit margin has gone down due to the increased production costs.
To me, neither one of those interpretations of (C) is more likely than the other, so it's hard to make any commonsense inference other than "unless Foamy raised its prices, its profit margin has gone down".