by timmydoeslsat Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:00 am
That is exactly how I would state the flaw.
Just because variable Y improves more than any other variable does not mean that variable Y has passed those other variables overall.
The reason to eliminate B is that it is committing a different type of flaw than the stimulus
Answer choice B goes from:
Sunshine breakfast cereal contains more nutrients ounce for ounce than any other breakfast cereals.
Therefore, you are now eating the most nutritious food now on the market.
Oh really? What about lunch foods? Supper foods? Perhaps there are nutritious chicken breast TV dinners that surpass the nutritiousness of the Sunshine breakfast. Sunshine breakfast is the most nutritious per ounce for all breakfast cereals, but not in food overall! We do not even know if it is the most nutritious in breakfast foods, much less overall food. Remember, it stated Sunshine was more nutritious as a breakfast cereal, not just breakfast.