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Q14 - A commercial insect trap consists

by cyruswhittaker Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:41 pm

For question 14, my reasoning was that choice A, if true, provides a different explanation to why the traps have been less effective than what the scientists have hypothesized. Whereas the scientists attributed the decrease to a resistance to the pesticide, choice A attributes it to the pests having an increased aversion to to eating the glucose that is mixed in with the pesticide. Is this reasoning correct?

Can you also explain the reasoning behind #19 and #24?

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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q14 - A commercial insect trap consists

by bbirdwell Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:39 am

For question 14, my reasoning was that choice A, if true, provides a different explanation to why the traps have been less effective than what the scientists have hypothesized. Whereas the scientists attributed the decrease to a resistance to the pesticide, choice A attributes it to the pests having an increased aversion to to eating the glucose that is mixed in with the pesticide. Is this reasoning correct?

Can you also explain the reasoning behind #19 and #24?


I've started separate threads for 19 and 24. Also, please follow the naming convention I've used above for the title (PTxx, Sx, Qx; blablablabla). Thanks!

Now, for #14.

Yes! That's absolutely correct!
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q14 - A commercial insect trap consists

by jackie8848 Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:57 pm

Could you elaborate why (D) is incorrect? Thanks.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q14 - A commercial insect trap consists

by timmydoeslsat Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:01 am

We are told about insect traps that have been placed in homes for many years. The insect traps that were placed in earlier in the home were more effective in eliminating insects than were the same traps placed later in the same home.

We know two things about these traps: contain a pesticide and glucose, a sweet substance.

The author concludes that it is the insects' developed resistance to the pesticide that is causing this ineffectiveness.

To weaken this argument, we want something that shows how the pesticide isnt the issue in causing this downfall.

(A) This points to the glucose being the issue. The glucose is the substance being resisted. The insects are not consuming the pesticide like they used to due to the lack of attraction to glucose.

With (D), this simply gives us something we would expect with pesticide resistance. This will not weaken the idea that pesticide resistance is causing the loss of effectiveness.
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Re: Q14 - A commercial insect trap consists

by patrice.antoine Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:22 pm

I have a different perspective on why (D) is wrong.

It is essentially saying that this increase in concentration proved to be NO MORE EFFECTIVE than the original traps. Which is to say, the new traps had the same effect as the original traps. This still doesn't provide an alternative explanation as to why these traps proved to be LESS effective than traps that were installed years ago.