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PT46, S2, Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by chris.lanterman Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:09 pm

What's the difference between C and D. In store displays are moire likely to influence buying decisions on the spot more than other buying decisions vs. In store displays that catch the customers' attention increase the likelihood that customers will decide on the spot to buy the company's merchandise?
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Re: PT46, S2, Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by aileenann Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:38 pm

Thanks for your question.

This issue is a matter of detail. (C) is discussing "in-store displays" whole (D) is discussing "in-store displays that catch customers' attention." So (D) is talking about a narrower group than is (C), in fact a subset of the group in (C). Let me know if this helps or if you have further questions!
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by t_wm Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:41 am

I hastily choose (C) twice when practicing.

Here's my two cents: (C) says the in-store displays are more likely to affect buying decision made on the spot, however, how can we know the effect is positive or negative?
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Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by ldagosti Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:38 pm

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if someone could explain this question in further detail. I'm still confused as to why D would be the correct answer over C. Is it because C mentions, "other buying decisions"? Is this aspect irrelevant?
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by austindyoung Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:26 pm

The argument states that companies should use these in-store displays if they want to boost their sales.

Ok. Why should they use these displays to boost their sales?

Well, there's this study that states that because of time restraints, 2/3 of buyers make their buying decisions on the spot.

So, connecting the two these in-door displays better make the customers decide to buy their merchandise on the spot. Right? If not, why should they buy them?

Well, (D) says just that.

(C) talks about other buying decisions. We don't care about other buying decisions. So, you were right on that. Also, as pointed out, it doesn't specify the type of buying decision made on the spot. Maybe the decision will be to peace out and go to the thrift store.

Also- (C) doesn't get at the conclusion- which is about using in door displays to boost sales of merchandise. The answer needs to address the conclusion, because that is what we are trying to protect.

When I did this problem months ago at first, I chose (C) as well. With time (and I still need more) you will be able to discard answers in regards to how they address the conclusion, or contain fluff to confuse you and don't get at the CORE.

Hope that helped.
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by vincent_1vs Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:34 pm

austindyoung Wrote:The argument states that companies should use these in-store displays if they want to boost their sales.

Ok. Why should they use these displays to boost their sales?

Well, there's this study that states that because of time restraints, 2/3 of buyers make their buying decisions on the spot.

So, connecting the two these in-door displays better make the customers decide to buy their merchandise on the spot. Right? If not, why should they buy them?

Well, (D) says just that.

(C) talks about other buying decisions. We don't care about other buying decisions. So, you were right on that. Also, as pointed out, it doesn't specify the type of buying decision made on the spot. Maybe the decision will be to peace out and go to the thrift store.

Also- (C) doesn't get at the conclusion- which is about using in door displays to boost sales of merchandise. The answer needs to address the conclusion, because that is what we are trying to protect.

When I did this problem months ago at first, I chose (C) as well. With time (and I still need more) you will be able to discard answers in regards to how they address the conclusion, or contain fluff to confuse you and don't get at the CORE.

Hope that helped.

Can't agree more, I mistakenly chose (C) during preptest because I thought it meant "In-store displays are more likely to influence buying decisions made on the spot at the store than any other sales technique." But now that I read it again carefully, I realized it was talking about other buying decisions, which is irrelevant. But would it be right had it been the way I understood it?
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by timmydoeslsat Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:30 pm

It still would not be necessary to assume that the in-store displays work better than any other technique. As long as it increases the amount of sales, that is all that would matter.

Like others have said, we have a conclusion regarding these in-store displays and no evidence involving these. Expect the necessary assumption to tie in this new idea.
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by vincent_1vs Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:27 am

I see, so it would be a strengthener at most...oh no, not even, since we don't know if it's a positive/negative influence.
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by uhdang Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:55 pm

Didn't see the post dealing with all the answer choices, so I thought I'd take a shot.

The argument core is:

customers make two-thirds of decisions on the spot ==> companies wishing to boost sales should use in-store displays.

Gap in this argument is 'in-store displays' and 'making decisions on the spot.' The author assumes that in-store displays would attract those who make decisions on the spot.

A) Not necessary for the conclusion.Negating (Companies are NOT increasingly using in-store displays...) doesn't have an effect on the argument. If anything, this evidence would back up the argument and strengthen it.

B) Whether coupons and mail advertising were effective before than now or not is out of scope. We are concerned about in-store displays' influence on customers.

C) We are concerned about boosting sales. Just influencing certain buying decision doesn’t guarantee boosting sales. Maybe this influence is a negative one and more influence leads to less sales.

D) First of all, Putting this in between premise and conclusion flows well, bridging the gap between ‘in-store display’ and ‘making decisions on the spot.' Besides, negation of this (In-store displays that catch customers’ attention does NOT increase (decrease or remain consistent) the likelihood that customers … ) destroys the argument.

E) This rather weakens the argument.
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by WhimsicalWillow Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:14 pm

The author argues that since (premise) 2/3 of buying decisions are made in the store, that companies, that want to boost sales, should use in-store display to catch their attention. Fails to consider other reasons 2/3 of buying decisions are made a the store & takes for granted that it’s based on the window display. It’s NA so I expect a Defender that will Rule out an Alternative Explanation which is what D) does.
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Re: Q13 - Companies wishing to boost

by Laura Damone Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:23 pm

Nice work, Whimsical Willow!
Laura Damone
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