Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
Correlation: Health campaign and incidence of flu
Conclusion: The campaign worked!
Answer Anticipation:
When we are tasked with strengthening a Correlation/Causation flaw, we should look for answers that 1) rule out an alternative cause; 2) show another incidence of the cause and effect going together; or 3) show an example where the cause and effect were both missing.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Ooh, interesting. This answer choice suggests that the campaign was successful in getting people to wash their hands. I wouldn't pick it on the first pass, but I'd leave it since it suggests that the campaign had the intended impact on hand washing. After ruling out the rest, I'd select this.
(B) Out of scope. Since we don't know if the causes or cures for the common cold overlap with the flu, we can't say if this comparison tells us anything.
(C) Opposite. If anything, this suggests another reason for the lower incidence of the flu, which would weaken the argument.
(D) Opposite. If anything, this suggests another reason for the lower incidence of the flu. It wasn't the public health campaign; it was the media with their noted anti-fly bias. (It'd be important here to not equate the public health campaign with the media campaign.)
(E) Out of scope. How people feel has little to do with what they actually do, or whether they'll start to enact changes that minimize their risk of flu.
Strengthen and Weaken questions often have answers that seem out of scope, so be careful to only eliminate answer choices where you can clearly state why that answer doesn't align with the argument.