by ohthatpatrick Tue Nov 14, 2017 1:40 pm
Inference can test us as much on what we CAN derive as on what we CAN'T derive.
We want to read these with an eye/ear for "what can be combined or derived", but when you read the last sentence, it isn't telling us anything particularly usable.
When I read the last sentence, I thought, "Well, I can't really infer anything about that. It seems like they're baiting me into over-inferring."
However, given that PFC is for beginners, your inference that "sales of PFC do not account for the majority of last year's sales of cookbooks" is wonderful and true!
Just because they rewarded a different possible inference shouldn't dishearten you. Inference answers can often be hard / impossible to predict.
This problem doesn't demonstrate a formula I've seen more than once, so it might not be useful to memorize, but here's what I would call it.
X can be divided up into A and B
(cookbooks can be divided up into for beginners and for not-beginners)
It's always been the case that most of X is A (51%),
a minority of X is B (49%).
This year, X is bigger than ever.
This year, a majority of X is B.
(A) is asking us compare this year's number of B to all previous years, so it's a fight between
49% of (smaller X's) vs. 51% of (biggest X ever)
That's how we know the right side wins.
A different, but somewhat related formula, that they test is this:
Most X's are Y.
Most Y's are ~X.
Thus, Y is bigger than X.
Most painters are poets.
Most poets are not-painters.
Thus, there are more poets than painters.
The idea here is that some people in the world are both poets and painters.
Those poet-painters are A MAJORITY of painters.
Those poet-painters are A MINORITY of poets.
If the same group is 51% of Painters, but 49% of poets,
then poets has to be a bigger number than painters.