by LolaC289 Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:04 am
The biggest difference between B and E is their scope. I will say both of them are factually correct.
But when the LSAT asks for the function of a whole paragraph, it is certainly a more "global" question than a "local" one.
We know that when we are writing to make an argument, especially the complicated ones, most of the time one single paragraph is just not enough, in order to convince the others.
But do we write all these paragraphs for their individual sake? Definitely not. All things in our passage serves one ultimate goal: for our argument. Or branches of our argument.
B says the second paragraph functions as providing support for the claim that......this general and integral wording sounds promising!
But wait, what is the claim?
The claim, according to answer choice B, is "Hopi personal names make reference to events in the recipient's life."
Where did the author make this claim?
Well, the author made this claim right in the beginning of paragraph two (line19-20).
In other words, answer choice B is saying the whole paragraph is to provide support for itself. This statement thus is more of a wrap-up for its content, rather than its function.
How are things different with answer choice D?
Where is the "ways in which Hopi names may have semantic content" mentioned in our passage?
It is in paragraph one. Line 1-3 says the two European thinkers deny that names have any significant semantic content. And all the following paragraphs are used to refute this school of thought, using the case of the Hopi.
D is a very broad summary due to its scope. But it is nevertheless correct.
Consider this. I want to write an essay on why apples are a bette choice than Bananas.
In first paragraph I addressed all the nutrients apples have but bananas don't;
in the second one I mentioned how apples are generally cheaper in local stores;
in the last paragraph I conclude thus apples are better than bananas.
If someone asks for the function of the second paragraph of my apple essay, answer choice B would be like "to support the claim that apples are cheaper" while D would be like"to illustrate ways in which apples are better than bananas".
While I, as the author, would definitely say:"well, I do think apples are cheaper(after all, that's what I said in my essay!). But I am writing this paragraph to prove apples are better than bananas not only for its nutrition, but also price-wise!"