by ohthatpatrick Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:49 pm
Thanks for catching that. I, unfortunately, have no way to access or change that image, but here's a quick explanation.
The condition starts us off with T in 1 and Y in 4.
We should write those in,
T __ __ Y __ __ __
and then ask ourselves about T, Y, and spots 1 and 4 in the rules.
T - S tells us nothing, since if T is in 1, S will automatically be after T.
Y is not 7th tells us nothing, because we already know Y is 4th.
The last rule talks about P being 1st, and since we know that P is not 1st, we know that Y is NOT before V.
Hence, we know for this problem that it's V - Y.
We also know that S is in one of the first three spots, so S and V will be occupying spots 2 and 3.
T (S, V) Y __ __ __
Who's left?
P - W and Z
So we could write that as
T (S, V) Y (Z, P - W)
(A) Not mandatory. P could be 5th
(B) Not mandatory. S could be 3rd
(C) Yes. V is either 2 or 3, so it's no later than 3rd.
(D) Not mandatory. W could be 6th
(E) Not mandatory. Z could be 5th.