I, too, was stuck between B and D (and got this question wrong initially

) but I took a bit different approach.
The stem says
Conclusion: Let's use old trees for manufacturing, so we can reduce CO2.
Premise: Once old trees die, they release CO2.
Harvesting old trees make room for young trees, which absorb CO2 better than old trees.
The assumption here is-
CO2s are released only when old trees die/decompose.
No CO2s are released from old trees once they are harvested.
Keeping these in mind, let's take a look at the answers.
D is similar with what the stem is already saying: that once old trees die, they release CO2 as they decompose.
B does weaken the assumption of the argument. B says otherwise. If B is true, that means the old tress can still release CO2 even after they are chopped down and made into some kind of manufacturing product. If this is true, what's the point of harvesting old trees and use them in manufacturing for the sake of CO2 reduction?