Question Type:
ID the Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
A whole bunch of information is given about the Austronesian languages, which suggest that they originated in Taiwan and, hence, they started there and migrated elsewhere.
Answer Anticipation:
The first few sentences all are facts and/or have "Since" as a lead-in, so they're premises. The "these facts suggest" leads into a conclusion which ends up as an intermediate conclusion, which we know because it's followed up with a "hence", indicating the main conclusion. That last sentence will be our answer.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Premise.
(B) Assumption between premise and intermediate conclusion.
(C) Intermediate conclusion.
(D) Assumption between intermediate and main conclusion.
(E) Bingo.
Takeaway/Pattern: Especially on earlier ID the Conclusion questions, keywords are your friend.