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Q11 - In comparing different methods

by john Fri Dec 31, 1999 8:00 pm

11. (E)
Question type: Application

We have two main criteria here: a critique that a) emphasizes that the performance under evaluation is only one piece of a larger framework, and that b) leads to better outcomes. In (E), we get both: The athlete sees that criticism of him is part of a larger effort to improve the team, and so that criticism is more effective.

(A) presents criticism that works by emphasizing its potential benefits.
(B) describes a negative judgment, but doesn’t even indicate whether it is effective criticism.
(C) might seem close; here, though, the criticism is effective not by invoking a larger context but by misleading its target.
(D) describes opinions about a culture, a much broader category than critique aimed at improving performance.

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Re: Q11 - In comparing diffferent methods

by iridium77 Sat May 25, 2013 9:09 pm

Also, answer B, which I mistakenly chose originally, requires that the person being critiqued not see themselves as having their performance criticized, while the stimulus does not require that, merely that the critique of their performance is part of a group of factors that determines successful outcomes.

Answer E) on the other hand does allow the individual in question to be a part of the group being critiqued, and this method is effective at improving performance as long as the individual is aware that the critique is part of a more general strategy for improving the team.