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Jackie Chiles
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Q11 - For many centuries it was

by rbolden Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:03 pm

Can you please provide an analysis of Answer choices B and C?

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Re: Q11 - For many centuries it was

by cyruswhittaker Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:00 am

We're told that at one point, it was believed that only classical Euclidean geom. could provide a correct mathematical representation of the universe.

Now, however, a non-Euclidean geometry representation underlies the cosmological theory, and it is most widely accepted.

So (B) captures this information by stating that scientists "generally" don't believe that Euclidean geometry is essential (ie necessary) for a correct representation.

Choice (C) is unsupported because it says that Non-Euclidean geometry is a more "complete" way of representing the universe.

But the passage discussed "accurate" and "useful" aspects of the theories; nothing is mentioned or can be inferred to be about "completeness."

This was a tempting answer, but with these "most strongly supported" questions it's really important to stay VERY close to what it is said in the passage. Actually, that's probably a good rule for the LSAT as a whole.
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Re: PT44, S2, Q11 - For many centuries it was

by itzakadoozie412 Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:47 pm

So I guess (E) in incorrect for the same reason as (C), since 'more important' is unsupported in the argument as well?
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Re: PT44, S2, Q11 - For many centuries it was

by giladedelman Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:08 pm

Not only that, but this answer choice is setting up a false distinction between "correct" and "useful." In fact, the stimulus suggests that non-Euclidean geometry is considered useful because it underlies a theory widely considered accurate, i.e., correct. So there's no distinction being made here between correctness and usefulness.

Does that answer your question? By the way, another great explanation, Mr. Whittaker!
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Re: Q11 - For many centuries it was

by griffin.811 Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:32 pm

I came here because I was looking for an explanation as to why (B) was correct, and after reading all the explanations, still couldn't figure it out (I selected (E) as correct).

After reading (B) again, I think the reason it is correct is very simple:

(B) says E. Geometry is "uniquely capable..." (Uniquely meaning "only one" or "no other." After all, if there were another, how unique could it be?)

This cannot be the case, as we are told in the passage that this new form is now accepted as well. If E. Geometry is uniquely capable, we couldn't possibly have accepted this new type of geometry.
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Re: Q11 - For many centuries it was

by giladedelman Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:14 pm

Right! Since scientists think a view based on non-Euclidean geometry is more accurate, Euclidean can't possibly be the only correct one; in fact it's evidently not even correct.
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Re: Q11 - For many centuries it was

by hyewonkim89 Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:49 pm

For B, I thought it was the answer until I saw "mathematical representation."

How do we know that scientists are talking about a correct 'mathematical' representation of the universe?
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Re: Q11 - For many centuries it was

by tommywallach Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:50 pm

Hey Hye,

This is a softball question! : )

The first sentence says: "For many centuries it was believed that only classical Euclidean geometry could provide a correct way of mathematically representing the universe." The rest of the passage goes against that, which allows us to infer answer choice (B).

Hope that makes sense!

Tommy Wallach
Manhattan LSAT Instructor