by noah Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:27 pm
Good question about a tough question.
I just replayed the game, without looking at the diagram that my colleague posted, and I agree with him (and you) in that I didn't frame it. So, while this question is significantly easier with the frames, most of us are probably facing it without them.
Here's how I did it:
First I notice that the answers are all similar.
(A) Q in three alone - I need to place the I chunk, I could place the NHI chunk in 1 and 2, R and S left over, seems OK.
(B) Q in four alone - I can pretty much move over the work I did for (A) - defer judgement.
(C) seems pretty straightforward - NHI can go in 2 and 3, S and Q for 4.
(D) this strikes my fancy because I'm now forced to use the NHI chunk, but where can it go? It can only go in 3 and 4, and that means the rule about Q will be violated. Confirm and move on.
I wouldn't check (E), but obviously it's fine, NHI can go in 1 and 2, with S and Q in 1 and 4.
So, in short, I did a fast version of trial and error. It's not ideal, but probably it's what needs to be done on this. The key is to to have real control of the rules, and to keep an eye on the chunk. That chunk was the key to making something not possible.
I hope that helps.
By the way, moving on from this because it took too long was a smart move. Put an asterisk next to it and come back to it if you find yourself with time left over at the end of the section. Unless you NEED a 180, letting 1 or 2 go per section is often an important strategy for scoring your best. I do it.