by sumukh09 Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:43 am
Prediction in the natural sciences is made possible by reduction of phenomena into mathematical expressions. Social scientists want to be able to predict too, so they should reduce phenomena into mathematical expressions as well. But they shouldn't perform this reduction. Why? Because data would be neglected, moreover data that is not easily mathematized, and this would distort social phenomena.
The bolded is the conclusion of the argument. The argument starts off by saying how it is helpful, in the natural sciences, to reduce phenomena into mathematical expressions because it gives them the ability to predict. Then the argument talks about how social scientists want to have this ability to predict too, and how they should also perform these reductions. However, this reduction should not be made in the social sciences because data would be neglected, which is the conclusion of the argument.
We have background info, background info, conclusion, and premise.