by griffin.811 Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:55 am
So I had an issue with all the answer choices here, but without the time constraint, I think I understand why D is best.
A-we dont know that the principle is applied in ONLY A FEW as frequency is not refernced
B-Assumes, among other things, that the # of celebrities convicted equals # of unknowns convicted
C-We dont know that an overide would be proper as this is not referenced. Maybe judges improperly override, or ignore the principle in some cases
D-1. the use of "similar" in the passage allows for varying degrees of the same crime to be committed. Maybe the unknowns are stealing from homeless people, while celebs are stealing from their brothers. Varying degrees allow for lighter/harsher penalties.
2. Maybe it wasnt the sentencing of celebs that was a violation, but the sentencing of unknowns to unecessarily harsh sentences that was the violation.
E-leniency not mentioned
I guess D is the hardest to prove wrong so it would be the "best" available answer, but I think it is far from air tight.