by tommywallach Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:26 pm
Hey There INeedLSATHelp,
On these flaw questions, it's always good to have your own sense of what the flaw is before you dive into the answer choices. Let's look at the argument here:
Conclusion: Adopt freeway plan.
Premise: Only choice is adopt plan or do nothing, and doing nothing is no good
Where is there a flaw here? Well, the Mayor gives no evidence that the only options are to adopt the plan or do nothing. Given THAT choice, yes the freeway is a good idea. But why are those the only options?
(A) This is not an error, as using the conservative estimate obviates the need for other estimates (i.e. this is a worst-case scenario, so there's no need to prep for better-case scenarios).
(B) What are the two options here? Build freeway or do nothing. Does the author assume that those two are mutually exclusive? Of course he does! Because they are! This isn't a flaw in logic, this is just the truth. You can't BOTH do nothing AND build a freeway!
(C) The argument says that gridlock would happen within ten years, so this goes against the facts. It's not going to diminish then, but get worse.
(D) Cost is irrelevant.
(E) This is what we predicted. The author presents a choice between two options, but no reason is given why something else couldn't be done (toll roads, widening existing roads, etc.)
Hope that helps!