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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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by BreeJ635 Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:10 pm

Hi- it's me again. I narrowed the choices down to D and E and was confident in my answer choice of D. I don't understand why C is the answer at all. Please help!
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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Re: Q1

by ohthatpatrick Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:29 pm

The correct answer to this is (A), not sure if you're looking at the wrong answer key.

(A) is supported by line 36.

(B) can't find support for 'process of elimination'

(C) there's definitely no empirical study

(D) what are the few basic principles? What is the deduction?
It seems like we could assign some things that Rawls said and call them basic principles, but we wouldn't find a moment when Rawls combines those principles to derive a deduction.

This is referring to something that would sound more like this:
"All people want basic necessities. And basic necessities can only be provided by redistribution. Thus, we can deduce that all people want redistribution."

This answer would seem tempting to me in a "maybe I could stretch this and this to mean that", but since it's so easy to support (A) by just pointing at line 36, I wouldn't have to go through that effort.

(E) I'm not sure which specific words Rawls really dug into.

Hope this helps.
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Vinny Gambini
Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q1

by BreeJ635 Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:02 pm

ohthatpatrick Wrote:The correct answer to this is (A), not sure if you're looking at the wrong answer key.

(A) is supported by line 36.

(B) can't find support for 'process of elimination'

(C) there's definitely no empirical study

(D) what are the few basic principles? What is the deduction?
It seems like we could assign some things that Rawls said and call them basic principles, but we wouldn't find a moment when Rawls combines those principles to derive a deduction.

This is referring to something that would sound more like this:
"All people want basic necessities. And basic necessities can only be provided by redistribution. Thus, we can deduce that all people want redistribution."

This answer would seem tempting to me in a "maybe I could stretch this and this to mean that", but since it's so easy to support (A) by just pointing at line 36, I wouldn't have to go through that effort.

(E) I'm not sure which specific words Rawls really dug into.

Hope this helps.

Sorry I made a mistake! I do have the correct answer key but somehow wrote C as the correct answer here- I still chose the wrong answer lol. Thank you for your explanation. I totally see now why D was tempting but isn't correct. I'll be sure to keep a close eye in the future for principles that don't lead to deductions. And obviously A is mentioned verbatim- so I'll have to read more closely.