Question Type:
Main Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Prosperity is a driving force behind increases in the release of CO2 (main cause of global warming).
Evidence: As incomes rise, more things like cars are purchased, producing more CO2. As incomes decline due to recessions, steep drops in CO2 emissions follow.
Answer Anticipation:
The conclusion is the first sentence. There are no keywords provided, but the 2nd and 3rd sentence provide support to the 1st sentence.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) That is an aside in the first sentence, not the main claim about the connection between prosperity and CO2 emissions.
(B) YES! First sentence.
(C) Premise
(D) Premise
(E) Premise
Takeaway/Pattern: When we do Main Conclusion questions, there are two very prevailing patterns for where we find the Main Conclusion:
1. Attached to a "but/yet/however" rebuttal claim.
2. First sentence