by maryadkins Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:02 pm
To walk through this question for good measure, let's look at the core.
a new device will use the same symbol system as braille
people who can read braille can adapt to it
Assumption: How do we know braille is just the same? Maybe they are different.
(A) isn't necessary. There can be other systems, but the screen is going to use braille, which we know already.
(B) puts a limit on the argument that isn't there. ONLY people? To negate this, you'd say, "NOT only people who currently use braille will be able to use the thermal screen." In other words, other people can use it, too. Is this necessary? No. The conclusion is about people who read braille.
(C) Bingo! It links the device to braille. If this weren't true, the argument would fall apart.
(D) and (E) are out of scope.