Sometimes it's tough not to read too much into these questions. I think in this case you are. The author says that bipedalism offered advantages for both those who left the forest and those who remained.
Those who left the forest would be able to see over tall grasses to find food and spot predators.
Those who did not leave the forest floor would be able to reach food that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise.
The debate is about where bipedalism developed and because it would have offered advantages both to those hominids that left the forest for the grasslands and for those who didn't, we cannot be certain where the trait developed.
(A) is a comparison between two places about which we cannot be sure which was more hospitable.
(B) can be inferred since it is mentioned in both groups.
(C) is contradicted by the stimulus because the author does not challenge whether those scientists are correct, but rather simply presents the debate.
(D) has a similar flaw to answer choice (C). The author states that the debate continues.
(E) is a comparison between two activities about which information relating to the comparison is not provided.
Just keep in mind that you're not supposed to be reading so much into these questions as your explanation earlier suggested.