2. (A)
Question Type: Inference (41-51)
Though the question is phrased in an unusual manner, it essentially asks you with which of the answer choices the author of the passage is most likely to agree. We’ve already seen that the main point of the passage is that injunctions against disclosing trade secrets are likely to be ineffective. Choice (A) is in closest agreement with this point; specifically, the third paragraph indicates the reasons that legal remedies are unlikely to protect employers. The idea that employers should strive to retain employees may seem to stretch beyond the passage’s actual content, but it does agree with it, which is more than can be said for the other answers.
(B) directly contradicts the main point of the passage, which is that injunctions are not effective.
(C) is stated too strongly; the passage does make the case that employers have difficulty proving that employees are illegally disclosing trade secrets, but does not go so far as to say that they must be afforded redress in such situations.
(D) contradicts the passage, which uses such physical items as examples of transfers that can be legally prevented.
(E) contradicts the passage, which tells us in the first paragraph that injunctions can have a psychological effect on employees.