Vitamins synthesized by chemists are exactly the same as natural vitamins
It is a waste of money to pay extra for vitamin pills advertised as having higher-quality/more natural ingredients than other brands
So is this argument basically saying that vitamin pill A, vitamin pill B, C, D, etc. are all the exact same because they all have the exact vitamins that occur naturally in foods? In other words, the vitamins you are getting out of vitamin pill A are the vitamins that you are getting out vitamin pill B, C, D, etc. In this case, I could totally see why (E) would be right. If we negate (E), it is saying that "hold up! there are non vitamin ingredients that makes one brand [u]worth more money[/u] than another brand."
However, how does "worth more" = "not a waste of money?" Couldn't something be worth more and still be a complete waste of money? For example, wouldn't it be a waste of money for me to buy the latest 4k TV that is $60,000 when it is only slightly better than the last years model worth $600? The latest model is certainly worth more, but it doesn't necessarily mean it is not a waste of money still.
Besides my qualms with the "worth more" part, I get (E). Now onto (C)...
I can understand that we don't necessarily need to include "all brands" in this. Is (C) wrong because we are only talking about the vitamin pills that advertise the higher-quality/more natural ingredients? But aren't we comparing those vitamin pills to the vitamin pills that don't advertise the higher-quality/more natural ingredients? Thus, aren't we in fact talking about all vitamin pills? I am just super confused by this and help would be appreciated.