- Paragraph 1: Women's participation in the French Revolution has been very general but recent studies will offer some more, much- needed, nuance
- - Author's Thesis: Old studies fail but new studies "should signal a much-needed reassessment of women's participation"
Paragraph 2: Godineau and Roudinesco's points
- - They set up a three-phase chronology
- While these phases were successful, they ended with military suppression of the women's movement
- Still set up a long-lasting impact (nobelman/women participation)
Paragraph 3: Landes and Badinter's points; why did the movement end?
- - It ended due to speaking in "established vocabularies" of others
Paragraph 4: Each scholars' analyses are a bit different, but all are admirable
The main point is that there are some new studies and the author favors them for their willingness to nuance what other historians had failed to nuance before. The author puts value on their studies, as we see in the first paragraph and the last paragraph. The middle paragraphs are just descriptions of where these studies go.